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Mohammed Baqer

2 mins read

Protecting privacy: How to protect your own data from search engines ( No ADS )

Search the internet and protect your own privacy with searXNG

What is SearXNG?

it's called metaseach engine which means it uses multible search engines ( +70 ) and combine the results all the search are anonymous and not tracked.

Why to use SearXNG?

  • Privacy, Portect your own data ( No data are collected ): It acts as a proxy, ensuring that your search queries remain confidential.
  • No Personalized Ads or Tracking: Unlike other search engines that often track user behavior to provide personalized advertisements, SearXNG does not engage in such practices.
  • Customizable Search Sources: SearXNG allows users to choose their preferred search engine sources.
  • Diverse Search Results: By aggregating results from multiple search engines, SearXNG provides a more diverse range of search results. This can be particularly beneficial when looking for information on niche or specialized topics.
  • Reduced Filter Bubbles: Filter bubbles occur when users are presented with information aligned with their existing beliefs, limiting exposure to diverse perspectives. SearXNG's use of multiple search engines helps reduce the impact of filter bubbles.
  • Open Source Transparency: SearXNG is open-source, meaning its source code is publicly available.
  • Community-Driven Development: SearXNG benefits from a community-driven development model. This means that the tool is continually evolving.

How to use it

  • Install docker
  • Get searxng-docker
    cd /usr/local
    git clone
    cd searxng-docker
  • Edit the .env file to set the hostname and an email
  • Generate the secret key sed -i "s|ultrasecretkey|$(openssl rand -hex 32)|g" searxng/settings.yml
  • Edit the searxng/settings.yml file according to your need
  • Check everything is working: docker compose up
  • Run SearXNG in the background: docker compose up -d

If you use an older version of docker desktop (< 3.6.0), you may have to install Docker Compose v1. Accordingly, you should modify the commands in this documentation to suit Docker Compose v1. For instance, change 'docker compose up' to 'docker-compose up'.

Install the docker-compose plugin (be sure that docker-compose version is at least 1.9.0)